Pain, betrayal and loss in this thought-provoking inspirational romance story...
Silently Betrayed is a fictional novel based on true events. It tells the story of twenty-five-year-old Hope. After an abusive relationship and finally a chance at love again, life takes a surprising turn as Hope finds out she is HIV POSITIVE. Her status is not as shocking as the underlying secret she discovers. With her world crashing before her eyes, she goes on a journey of self-discovery, under-covering revelations she never would’ve guessed happened. The biggest question remains; who gave her HIV? Would Hope ever be able to combat her inner demons and face the harsh realities of life? Would she ever learn to let go and forgive, in order to seek happiness?
This story chronicles her experiences taking her medications for the first time and also revealing her status to others. One may never understand the challenges and changes Hope faced until they read her story, from the very beginning where it all started.
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